Blog Articles

 When Is a Bridge a Good Choice?

When Is a Bridge a Good Choice?

Missing teeth are an issue for millions of American adults, and figuring out how to replace them can be challenging. A dental bridge is a common treatment option. Take a moment to learn more about whether a bridge would be right for you.
Jun 3rd, 2024
4 Benefits of Dental Implants

4 Benefits of Dental Implants

Missing teeth not only wreak havoc on your smile, but also have health implications. Dental implants have become a popular treatment option for people who need to replace missing teeth. Learn about the many benefits of this approach.
May 15th, 2024

How Veneers Can Give You a Celebrity Smile

Celebrities always seem to have the perfect, ready-for-a-close-up smile. We should all be so lucky! Actually, we mere mortals can capture our own celebrity smile with veneers. Here’s how it works.
Apr 8th, 2024
Can My Teeth Shift After Invisalign Treatment?

Can My Teeth Shift After Invisalign Treatment?

After months of Invisalign® treatment, you’ve debuted your beautiful new smile. But will it stay as amazing as it is right now? Learn more about keeping that exquisite tooth alignment intact. 
Mar 6th, 2024
  Is a Toothache Considered a Dental Emergency?

Is a Toothache Considered a Dental Emergency?

By its very nature, a toothache is never convenient, but is it a dental emergency? While you’re in the midst of a toothache episode, it might not be so easy to figure that out. Learn more about when you need emergency treatment for a toothache.
Feb 2nd, 2024
Which Type of Filling Is Best for Front Teeth?

Which Type of Filling Is Best for Front Teeth?

Filling a cavity is one of the most common reasons for a dental appointment. Although the treatment process is pretty straightforward, there are different types of fillings to choose from. Take a moment to learn more.
Dec 15th, 2023
Should I Get a Bridge or Dental Implants?

Should I Get a Bridge or Dental Implants?

If you’re missing some or even all of your teeth, it can be hard to navigate your way through the options to replace them. Take a moment to learn more about two possibilities: bridges and dental implants. 
Nov 13th, 2023
Emergency Dental Extraction: What to Expect

Emergency Dental Extraction: What to Expect

Your dentist may need to extract one or more teeth in some circumstances, such as removing wisdom teeth ahead of orthodontic treatment. After trauma, perhaps from playing sports or from accidents, you may need an emergency dental extraction. 
Oct 5th, 2023

Can Veneers Treat Crooked Teeth?

Veneers are a great cosmetic dentistry treatment option that covers up flaws like chipped or odd-shaped teeth. But can they address crooked teeth?
Sep 19th, 2023
Life After Dental Implants

Life After Dental Implants

Dental implants have become the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. While you may be familiar with the process of getting dental implants, what is life like afterward?
Aug 6th, 2023
Do Tooth Extractions Hurt?

Do Tooth Extractions Hurt?

Job one for any dental provider is to keep their patients’ teeth healthy. Trauma like an injury or a failed root canal procedure sometimes gets in the way, and a tooth needs to be extracted. Is it painful?
Jun 9th, 2023
A Closer Look at How Sugar Affects Your Teeth

A Closer Look at How Sugar Affects Your Teeth

From the time we were kids, our parents harped on the importance of not eating too much candy because it would give us cavities. Do you know why they were so concerned? Take a moment to learn about the link between sugar and tooth decay.
May 5th, 2023

My Tooth Hurts. When Should I Be Concerned?

Most of us experience some sort of tooth pain during our lifetime. Sometimes it’s just minor tooth sensitivity after a dental procedure, and it goes away on its own. But when does tooth pain signal a serious problem?
Apr 3rd, 2023
Why Your Bite Matters

Why Your Bite Matters

Straight teeth are aesthetically pleasing, but optimally aligned teeth and jaws aren’t simply a matter of looking good. When your bite is off, it can affect a variety of dental and health issues.
Mar 15th, 2023
Lesser-Known Reason We'd Need to Pull Your Tooth

Lesser-Known Reason We'd Need to Pull Your Tooth

When you think of tooth extractions, you probably think about impacted wisdom teeth or crowding issues that need to be resolved prior to orthodontic treatment. Yes, these may be common reasons for pulling teeth, but they aren’t the only ones.
Feb 15th, 2023
Resolve to Fix the Gaps in Your Teeth This Year

Resolve to Fix the Gaps in Your Teeth This Year

Promo: Gapped teeth create that picket fence effect. It may seem like a purely aesthetic issue, unless, of course, they’re your teeth. If you have gapped teeth and have been yearning for your dream smile, take a moment to learn more. This may be your yea
Jan 19th, 2023
Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Missing teeth are not only embarrassing, but also present a barrier for chewing food properly and even speaking clearly. Fortunately there are numerous options for replacing missing teeth, including dental implants. Read on.
Dec 1st, 2022
How to Protect Your Oral Health After An Extraction

How to Protect Your Oral Health After An Extraction

When it comes to tooth extractions — a fairly common procedure — the actual extraction is typically the easy part. The recovery period is often uncomfortable, but there are plenty of things you can do to protect your oral health and boost healing.
Oct 5th, 2022
4 Surprising Benefits of Invisalign

4 Surprising Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign® is one of the most recognized clear aligner systems in the orthodontics industry. Since its introduction to the market in the late 1990s, it has been a game-changer with numerous benefits. How many? Learn more here.
Sep 1st, 2022
5 Tips for Keeping Your Teeth White

5 Tips for Keeping Your Teeth White

Dazzling, beautiful smiles are the subject of envy. A bright-white smile is definitely a confidence-booster, but is it sustainable? Take a moment to learn five key strategies for keeping your teeth white so you’ll be smiling for years to come.
Aug 1st, 2022
Does a Root Canal Hurt?

Does a Root Canal Hurt?

A root canal is an endodontic or “inside-a-tooth” treatment whose ultimate goal is to restore the tooth to its natural healthy state. That is as opposed to extracting it due to severe tooth damage or infections. But does a root canal hurt?
Jul 1st, 2022
Should I Get Crowns or Veneers?

Should I Get Crowns or Veneers?

Few people are born with perfect teeth. Those who are fortunate to have a dazzling smile are likely to get a cavity or experience a mishap like a chipped tooth sometime during life. Crowns and veneers are handy tools to enhance and restore smiles.
May 1st, 2022
How to Know When You Have a Dental Emergency

How to Know When You Have a Dental Emergency

No matter how careful or vigilant you are about dental care, chances are you will experience a dental emergency at one time or another. Knowing what constitutes an emergency is important, because some situations won’t be as obvious as others.
Apr 5th, 2022
Is It Necessary to Have My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Is It Necessary to Have My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Wisdom teeth are a remnant of days gone by when humans didn’t cook their food or use utensils. We needed these flat teeth to further grind and mash our food before swallowing. These days, many of us have our wisdom teeth extracted. Find out more.
Feb 1st, 2022
Why Veneers Might Be Right for You

Why Veneers Might Be Right for You

Few of us are born with a to-die-for smile. Instead, we’re more likely to have one or two things we’d like to change about our teeth, but who has the time? Think dental veneers. Take a few moments to learn more about this two-appointment procedure.
Dec 13th, 2021
The Many Benefits of Invisalign

The Many Benefits of Invisalign

Straightening teeth with braces used to mean enduring long treatment plans and embarrassment from wearing metal braces. All of that changed when a system of clear aligners called Invisalign® was introduced. Take a few moments to learn more.
Nov 16th, 2021
The Importance of Emergency Dental Care

The Importance of Emergency Dental Care

By their very nature, emergencies are unplanned and require immediate help. But when it comes to dental emergencies, the urgency in getting the situation resolved seems doubly important.
Oct 11th, 2021
Why Are My Teeth Turning Yellow as I Get Older?

Why Are My Teeth Turning Yellow as I Get Older?

Aging triggers numerous changes throughout your body. The first thing that comes to mind may be your memory. But did you know that getting older can actually change the color of your teeth?
Sep 13th, 2021
Try These Tips If You Have Dental Anxiety

Try These Tips If You Have Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety affects people of all ages, from seniors to young parents to school children. Avoidance isn’t a great strategy, but you can learn to cope with your fear. Our dental experts share some helpful tips for the whole family.
Aug 12th, 2021

The Benefits of Dental Implants

There are a variety of options available for replacing missing teeth, but how do you know which one is right for you? Dental implants are becoming increasingly popular with folks looking for an alternative to dentures.
Jul 19th, 2021

What Is Tooth Enamel?

Dental enamel is an important part of the structure of your teeth. In fact, since enamel performs the crucial function of protecting the inside of your teeth, it just may be the most important part.
Jun 29th, 2021

How to Avoid Dry Socket

A potential complication that arises after tooth extraction is a condition called dry socket. Though it’s temporary and not usually harmful, dry socket can be painful, so you’ll want to take every step you can to avoid the problem.
May 11th, 2021

Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth: Why Alignment Matters

You may think having straight teeth is a purely cosmetic issue. However, it can be so much more. Malocclusion is the medical name for misaligned teeth, and it includes all imperfectly-aligned teeth. Read on to learn more.
Apr 1st, 2021

Is a Cracked Tooth a Dental Emergency?

A cracked tooth may not be obvious, so it is tempting to ignore. But doing so can lead to problems later on. In this post, we discuss the signs of a cracked tooth and why you should seek treatment sooner rather than later.
Mar 8th, 2021

The Danger of Delaying a Root Canal

Pain in your jaw, gums, or teeth could be signs of an infected or decayed tooth that needs attention. If you act sooner rather than later, a root canal can save the tooth and prevent major problems. Learn why you shouldn’t delay treatment.
Feb 1st, 2021

What Causes Cavities?

Though the number of Americans with cavities has decreased over the past 40 years, it’s still one of the most common chronic oral health problems in children and adults. Knowing what causes cavities may help you take steps to prevent them.
Dec 3rd, 2020

Nervous About a Root Canal? Facts to Ease Your Mind

Are you afraid of the pain you’ll experience during a root canal procedure? Don’t let your fear keep you from saving your tooth. In most cases, root canals bring relief from dental pain and problems along with a host of other oral health benefits.
Nov 1st, 2020

What to Eat After Professional Teeth Whitening

When you have your teeth whitened professionally, you want to keep your teeth white. However, some foods and drinks stain your teeth, erasing your whitening gains. Here’s what you should eat after professional teeth whitening.
Oct 1st, 2020

How to Take Care of Your Invisalign Trays

Invisalign® clear aligners are transparent and pain-free, but they can become damaged or stained if you’re not careful. Read on to learn some useful tips on how to take care of your trays and avoid unnecessary replacement expenses.
Aug 31st, 2020

6 Ways Veneers Can Easily Improve Your Smile

Does tooth discoloration, chips, cracks, and breaks make you want to hide your smile instead of show it off? If so, there’s a simple solution available at 54th Street Dental. To learn more about how you can easily improve your smile, keep reading!
May 27th, 2020

Skip the Braces: Get Straight Teeth with Invisalign®

If you’d like to enjoy the confidence boost and improved oral health that straight teeth provide, but you don’t want the hassle of braces, Invisalign® may be the ideal solution for you. Here’s what you need to know.
Mar 19th, 2020


Does this sound usual? You get up in the morning and rapidly cover your mouth with your hand so your partner doesn’t get a whiff of your awful breath. Morning breath, halitosis — whatever you call it, it can be repulsive and it likely isn’t the way you ...
Jan 31st, 2017


If you’re suffering from mild to moderate smile flaws that detract from your appearance, our team of dentists may recommend dental veneers. These cosmetic restorations are designed specifically for you, made from thin shells of porcelain, that resemble ...
Aug 15th, 2016


For most people, a dental veneer enhancement takes only two visits to our Midtown, New York office. Your first appointment begins with preparing your teeth for their new restorations and taking an impression for us to create your customized porcelain ...
Aug 15th, 2016


If the smile that greets you in the mirror makes you cringe, there’s an easy and quick solution, that doesn’t require years of orthodontics. Enjoy a Hollywood smile in as few as two visits, with custom-crafted porcelain veneers from 54th Street Dental. ...
Jul 25th, 2016